In a statement issued in Abuja on Wednesday, Mr Lukman described the crisis rocking the party in the last few months as a show of indignity which requires drastic steps to arrest the situation.
In his words he said: “with all the confusion as to who is our residing officer, coupled with the fact that the most important structure that is saddled with the responsibility of convening meetings of all organs of the party is fractured and entangled in webs of legal cases, it is either the confusion is allowed to continue and eventually end with the demise of the party, or our leaders make concerted efforts to save the party”.
The statement added that in order to demonstrate the irony of the kind of leaderless situation party members found themselves, they are being told that the constitution disqualifies a Deputy National Chairman from acting as National Chairman with reference to the section of the country he originated from.
A factional acting National Chairman o.f the party, Mr Victor Giadom had announced that with the support of President Buhari, a NEC meeting will hold on Thursday, June 25, 2020.
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